Bridge Consulting Colorado Work

Government Relations

Federal and State Government Relations, Lobbying, Advocacy, Political Advocacy, and Candidate and Ballot Initiative Campaigns

  • Bridge Consulting partners with The Trimpa Group to lobby on a variety of small business, Constitutional, and federal and state public policy issues in both Colorado and in Washington, D.C.

  • CRS is one of the largest door-to-door, canvassing firms in the United States with thousands of locally hired canvassers in 32 states. During the last 12 years, these well-trained canvassers have talked to over 35 million voters and constituents for candidates, ballot initiatives, small businesses, and nonprofit clients.

    CRS owns three companies: Rocky Mountain Voter Outreach (RMVO), Black Diamond Outreach (BDO), and Donor Development Strategies (DDS).

    • DDS has generated $71 million dollars for PBS stations in 13 states over 11 years with an average donation of $56 per door.

    • BDO collects business intelligence from hundreds of thousands of consumers on behalf of corporate clients.

    • RMVO persuades voters to vote for progressive candidates and ballot initiatives.

  • A political, grassroots consulting firm that provides millions of patch-through calls, text messaging, emails and tweets, phone and Facebook matching, email list building, crowd building, telephone town halls, and electoral calls in 48 states. Bridge Consulting provided business development services for Winning Connections.

  • A leading business trade association that represents over 50 leading Colorado and national companies, including Lockheed Martin, Boeing, AT&T, Microsoft, IBM, Pinnacol, Jacobs, Xcel, Colorado State University, Deloitte, DaVita, and Bank of Colorado. The Colorado Business Roundtable focuses on improving international trade relationships. Bridge Consulting provided membership growth and political consulting services for the Colorado Business Roundtable.

  • A marijuana company that has led the industry creating safety standards to prevent minors from obtaining cannabis and providing quality products for adult consumers. Bridge Consulting provided lobbying and government relations services for Good Chemistry.

  • A software, data privacy, and data protection company that works with the Department of Defense, NASA, and law enforcement agencies nationwide. Bridge Consulting provided lobbying and government relations services for Numerica.

  • The CISC is the first in the nation, data privacy, data sharing, law enforcement organization that shares data between member law enforcement agencies to solve cases and to prevent crime, to protect individual and civil liberties, and to assist law enforcement personnel better serve individuals with mental health challenges. Bridge Consulting provides lobbying and government relations services for the CISC.

  • The CEA and DCTA are the largest teacher unions in Colorado and Denver. Bridge Consulting recruited, trained, and elected school board candidates in 2017. Bridge Consulting also provided strategic and political consulting services to the CEA and the DCTA.

  • A bi-partisan, civic organization devoted to electing the President of the United States through a popular vote while still preserving the Electoral College. The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is based on the premise that the most votes should win the White House and that every vote should count equally – not just a handful of battleground states. Bridge Consulting provided political, strategic, grassroots outreach, and ballot initiative consulting services to help pass Proposition 115 by millions of Colorado voters in 2020. To date, Colorado, 14 other states, and the District of Columbia have joined the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact for a total of 195 electoral college votes. The compact only needs approximately five other states and 75 additional electoral college votes to join the Compact and to change the way we elect the President of the United States. Learn more about this exciting effort at

  • An international security consulting firm that partners with leading law firms to sue and to hold accountable the largest pharmaceutical companies for over-opioid prescription and consumer abuse. Bridge Consulting signed up Colorado municipalities to join the national lawsuit in both federal and state court.

  • An innovative, for-profit, and nonprofit organization that helps individuals addicted to opioids, drugs, and alcohol remain sober. Sober Apartment Living leads the nation with a 92% sober success rate compared to a 30% industry success percentage. Bridge Consulting secured individual & institutional donors.

  • Bridge Consulting provided government relations services at the Colorado General Assembly for this agriculture manufacturing and processing company.

  • The RMSFA are AVM are trade associations of hundreds of small business vaping stores that have helped over 350,000 adult Coloradans and over 6.8 million adult Americans quit smoking more harmful cigarettes with vaping products. The store owners are committed to both reducing youth vaping use while empowering adult consumers to use flavored vaping products to quit smoking deadly cigarettes. There are 125 small business vaping stores in Colorado and over 14,000 stores in all 50 states.

  • Bridge Consulting provided lobbying services on behalf of victim’s rights organizations and attorneys at the Colorado General Assembly. The State of Colorado removed the 20-year statutory cap on child sexual offenses and created a civil, retroactive, legal window for adults to sue organizations whose staff abused children and knowingly avoided knowledge of the abuses.

  • Along with business partners, Mark Waller and Jessie Neitzer, Miklosi provides government relations and lobbying services for Colorado rural counties like Grand, Montrose, and Logan Counties, 12 rural hospitals like the Eastern Plains Healthcare Consortium, rural halfway houses, such as Advantage Treatment Centers, which reduce prison population and assist clients rebuild their lives, and the Southeast Colorado Development, Inc., which provides economic development services for six southeastern Colorado counties. Waller, Neitzer, and Miklosi lobby and advocate for rural focused legislation and secure federal and state government grants.

  • A United States-based, nonprofit, civic organization that lobbies the United States Congress and the Biden Administration on behalf of 750,000 Ethiopian Americans in all 50 states and that represents nearly all 90 major Ethiopian ethnic groups. Along with the business partners, Bridge Consulting provided government relations services to Members of Congress to advocate for increased civil liberties and religious freedoms in the country of Ethiopia.

  • In 2021, Bridge Consulting was part of a consulting team that advised Dr. Reginald Boulos, and his new political party MTV Haiti, to run for the Presidency of the country of Haiti. Dr. Boulos is both a medical doctor and an entrepreneur that owns auto dealerships and grocery stores in Haiti. Dr. Boulos was polling within the top three candidates out of 38 Presidential candidates. Dr. Boulos suspended his Presidential campaign after President Jovenel Moise was assassinated on July 7, 2021. Specifically, Bridge Consulting’s role was to raise both awareness and campaign donations from the estimated 1.6 million Haitian Americans that reside in the five largest US cities, such as Miami and New York City. Bridge Consulting organized fundraising events, town hall meetings, and coordinated with the media consultant to schedule bi-lingual media interviews with both domestic and international media outlets.


International Development, Healthcare & Agriculture